Jul 14

5 Simple Ways To Boost Your Smoothie

What do I mean by “Boost” my smoothie?..

What do I mean by “Boost” your smoothie?.. Well, I don’t mean boost to it with caffeine or sugar for a quick energy rush, I mean to boost it with nutrition for maximum benefit.

You’re typical smoothie drink is made up of some sort of milk or yogurt base and loaded with fruit and maybe a little sprinkle of something sweet. The possibilities are endless and so are the potential calories. The biggest challenge is controlling the amount of sugar. Most people are not willing to compromise on taste for health. Here are 5 simple ways that you can still enjoy a delicious smoothies while keeping it real.

  1. Base Liquid

First, let’s start with the base liquid. Clean, purified water is always a your best choice. It’s clean and free of all the unwanted sugars and calories found in many dairy and fruit juice products. On occasion, I will go with almond milk or coconut milk for a more creamy texture. It’s my way of having the experience of chocolate cake without having to eat it.

If your recipe calls for fruit juice, I recommend that you fresh squeeze your own. In the United States, it is my understanding that all fruit juices must be pasteurized to prevent certain bacteria from forming. The problem is that it also depletes much of the nutrients which results in a product that is basically sugar water.

  1. Protein Powder and Green Powders

Protein is not required to make a smoothie, and it doesn’t have to come from a powder, but it adds many essential ingredients that are necessary for a healthy body. If you are making a smoothies as a meal replacement shake, don’t forget the protein. Do your best to find a product that is organic and free of hormones and antibiotics, or if you prefer a plant based product, choose one that is organic, made from NON-GMO ingredients. It just goes to reason that if you are consuming for better health, then you choose the healthy ingredients.

  1. Seeds

Chia seeds, Flax seeds, and Hemp seeds are all great additions to boost that smoothie. An excellent source of fiber and they are loaded with essential fatty acids and minerals to help boosts the immune system. I like to use Chia seeds in my chocolate smoothies and I find that ground flaxseeds go well with all smoothie recipes. Hemp is hands down my favorite topping.

  1. Oils

I use either MCT, or Flax seed oil in every smoothie. I find that the MCT oil really compliments anything chocolate or tropical because it brings that smooth texture and rich coconut flavor.

MCT oil is an awesome source of fatty acids and is touted as an energy booster that can help reduce inflammation.

  1. Organic Fresh or Frozen Fruit

Fresh or frozen fruit is an essential ingredient in the making of so many smoothies. The big idea here it to limit the amount to one serving size. For example a small apple or half a medium banana combined with 1/3 cup pineapple. I recommend keeping the fruit servings small to limit the total sugars. You can purchase your organic fruit fresh or in the freezer section. You can prep and freeze your own fruit in advance. For example I prep and freeze my own apples, bananas, and pineapple into chunks.

  1. Some healthy add-on options

Whole grain oats, Almond or any other nut butters, cocoa powder, Cheyenne or even a dash of Turmeric. Lemon and Cinnamon are a perfect addition to an apple with vanilla protein powder smoothie because it tastes just like mom’s apple pie. A handful of Romain or spinach are

I discovered most of my favorite recipes in the New Fat Flush Plan by Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, C.N.S. The following are two example that you can try today from the New Fat Flush Plan.

Your basic Fat Flush Smoothie

8 ounces cran-water
1 handful of romaine, kale, or spinach or a scoop of green powder
1 fruit serving of your choice
1 scoop whey or pea and rice protein powder
1 tablespoon flaxseed or coconut oil
1 tablespoon ground flaxseeds, chia seeds, or hemp seeds
1 scoop powdered probiotic (like Flora-Key)
1 tablespoon non-GMO soy or sunflower lecithin
Ice cubes (optional)

  • Cran-water: 7 oz. water to 1 oz. cranberry juice.

Awesome Apple Smoothie variation;

8 ounces cran-water
1 scoop protein powder
1 medium apple, peeled, cored, cut into chunks, and frozen
Small handful of romaine lettuce
1 tablespoon flaxseed oil
1 tablespoon ground flaxseeds
1 scoop powdered probiotic
1 tablespoon non-GMO soy or sunflower lecithin
1/4 teaspoon Ceylon cinnamon or to taste
2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice (can us up to 1 tablespoon)
Ice cubes (optional)

Take it to the Tropics Smoothie variation;

8 ounces cran-water
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
Small handful of romaine lettuce
1/4 cup frozen pineapple chunks
1/2 small, frozen banana
1 tablespoon coconut oil
1 scoop powdered probiotic
1 tablespoon non-GMO soy or sunflower lecithin
Dash of Ceylon cinnamon
Ice cubes (optional)

Strawberry Peach Smoothie

1/2 cup of fresh or frozen peaches 1/2 cup of fresh or frozen strawberries, 1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt.

Trying to eat right in today’s fast paced world can be a challenge. The smoothie makes for an easy solution once you have all the ingredients in place. These suggestions will come in handy for when you want to boost your next smoothie, meal replacement, or pre workout shake. It only takes a few minutes to load up the blender with your favorite recipe of ingredients and push play…. Enjoy!

Mar 04

A Quick Time Management Tip or Two

Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock!

It seems like everyone is in a hurry these days. Deadline this, deadline that… Soccer match at 4:30, dinner at 6:00, etc., etc.  I thought technology was supposed to make life easier?

While technology has helped to save time here and there… Life has now become so busy that we need to find new and better ways to manage our time.  I found some time management tools that I thought you might want to try.  By slowly implementing these simple ideas over time, I have not only seen an increase in my productivity, but in my results as well.  That was time well spent because I now have more time for other things… More important things.  It has also greatly increased my capacity and potential for enlisting a helper.  …Another huge time saver!

Two Simple Tips…

(Time Management and Productivity Tips)

Plan your day on paper before it begins

It’s way to easy to get caught up in other people’s agendas.  So, before you open that email or check your phone messages… Sit down and make out YOUR LIST.   Circle the top one or two on your list and make them a priority.  Do your best to schedule them at your peek performance time of the day and turn off all distractions.  One great question to ask yourself just before starting your list is… “What is the one thing that I can do today that will really move the my business forward?”  What will create the most value or have the biggest impact?  Try to keep your daily list to six items and be sure to prioritize the top one or two.

Work in 1 or 2 hour time blocks

With multiple projects, tasks and distractions happening around us each day, it’s a wonder we get anything done at all.  Did you know that Multi-Tasking is a very bad idea?  You’re more productive when you are focused on a single task.  I’m still a work in progress around this next idea but, I’m getting better at working in time blocks every day.  The idea is to give it your full attention for 50 minutes and then break for 10.  it’s flexible of course and I will often use this “break time” to handle some of the s minute tasks like checking the mailbox or taking out the trash.  I make sure that I  get up and move around, stretch and breath in some fresh air.  Also a good idea to refresh the water glass while your up.

The forming of a new habit takes time

Forming a new habit takes time, as does anything worthwhile. .  Do you want to have more time to focus on what really maters most to you?  Then I invite you to invest in these ideas or in any other practices that work for you!  Give it 30 days… Practice it every day, and let me know how it’s working for you. When you find yourself with more time to focus on what matters, invests some of that time back into yourself.


Feb 26

Defining Success

What is Success..?

The Destination or The Journey?

Success can be measured in so many different ways that it’s not something that can be placed into one category.  So, how does one distinguish between that which is “success” and that which is not?  While success can be measured as a onetime accomplishment or a series of small victories, it is still comes down to personal choice. Everyone that I know who is “Successful”  gives a different meaning and value with money usually being low on their list.  Some will tell you that they still have a long way to go despite their achievements, which might imply that it is the journey that defines success.  ~ What do you believe to be the true definition of success?  Do you measure up to your own idea of success?

Do You… Measure Up?

If success is defined as having a lot of money or wealth, how does one know if they measure up or not?  How many dollars, diamonds and things are enough?   Are you attempting to set a new  record or are you killing yourself trying to keep up with the “Jones’s?”  What about those who seem to have everything but, their lives are filled with pain, drama and misery?  Do you believe that money is the answer or do you believe that while money is not the answer… It sure makes life a lot more fun!  While some people believe that you are only successful if you have a lot of money… The reality is that in order to have a lot of money, you must first be successful.

What if you could have it all?

What if success is the journey and the destination the prize?  What if you could have it all… All the money, fame and fortune in the world?  Maybe you prefer to have abundance in health, joy and relationships.  I believe that the true definition of success is in the journey and that as long as you are working toward a worth while goal, you are in fact a successful person!  That could mean that you are already successful! What if being successful was that simple?  I’m not the only one who thinks so.,

“Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal.”

~ Earl Nightingale

Wishing You a Successful Journey

While many measure success by wealth and material possessions, others measure their success by the impact they make on the world or in the quality of their relationships.  The best part about living in a free society is that we have a more choices.  From moment to moment we can choose something new.  Whether you choose health, wealth, love, happiness, or all of the above, I believe in you and your continued success! Set your goals high.  Be sure to review, visualize and speak them each day.  You must develop your own version of success and do the work if you want to claim the prize.  Sometime the journey can be tough and at other times it’s a picnic.

Leave your questions or comments below…

Connect with me on Social Media  or contact me for a free coaching session.

Feb 19

Sometimes A Little Courage Is All You Need!

Setting things into motion…


As an entrepreneur or even in life, it is not uncommon to find oneself stuck or lacking in confidence. When this happens to me, I reach for a double shot of courage. This metaphoric kick in the pants may be all you need to move your life or business forward.


Getting started is the hardest part

The idea of pushing a 100 pound boulder up a hill is daunting.  For many people setting their next major life goal of taking their business to the next level can have the same effect.  The idea is to start and then build up momentum and confidence as you gain more ground.  So how do you get started?  It’s simple… You Push!  I’m not advocating that you  “fake it until you make it.” You still need to feel grounded in your level of faith and belief that you have in yourself and in your plan. What I’m suggesting here is that at any time you feel stuck or even paralyzed in the process… Grab some Will-Power and work up enough Courage to get Moving again. You will soon reconnect with your desired outcomes and be right back on track.

If you are short on will-power, keep working at it. This practice will help you to develop your will-power. It is much easier to steer a vehicle while it is in motion. Be courageous… the alternative can be very painful!

What is Courage Anyway?

Here is a great definition from Wikipedia…
Physical courage is bravery in the face of physical pain, hardship, death or threat of death, while moral courage is the ability to act rightly in the face of popular opposition, shame, scandal, discouragement, or personal loss.

Part of being an entrepreneur or even in creating a rewarding life experience requires taking risks. Do you remember an experience like learning to ride a bike? I’m talking about that level of discomfort. Once I had that down, you couldn’t get me off that bike. It’s surprising just how the simplest of phobias will paralyze the strongest among us. Courage is being willing to accept the pain for the gain. You must be willing to pay the price! Act in spite of your fears!

Plan to Finish Strong

No one but yourself can take credit for your successes and failures. Be kind to yourself. Don’t blame, condemn of belittle you. You are more capable than than you know. Often, all that is needed is a little encouragement. Why not be that resource for yourself? Learn how to kick yourself in the pants and get moving again.

I start each day by reminding myself that I am capable and to be more courageous in moving towards my dreams. Confidence takes time to develop. As your confidence grows so will your options, results and enjoyment. There will always be setbacks and disappointments, it’s all a part of the process.  My experience has taught me that moving through the stuff that holds us back is far less painful than watching opportunity and life passing us by. You have all that you need already within you.

Confidence is like a stage two rocket that follows the main booster rocket that I like to call courage. Use it’s power to help get things moving.

What did you get from this post?

Tell us about your takeaways.  Share your comments below.  Connect with me on Social Media.

Dennis Lund, CPPC



Nov 13

A Winning Goal-Setting Formula

Part One in a Three part series… A Winning Goal Setting Formula

Part One:

Goal Setting Basics… Setting The Foundation

~ What Is A Goal?

A goal is something you aim for, something you strive for. In basketball the goal is the basket. An archer’s goal is to hit the bulls-eye at 40 or 100 meters. The mountain climbers objective may be to reach the top of the mountain.

In business and in life, a goal could be many different things. You can set goals in practically every area of your life. You can set career goals, business goals or fitness goals. Your only limitation is your own imagination and that my friend has no limits.

A GOAL is a written document describing a desired outcome, stated in the present tense. Example: “I am so happy and grateful now that this blog post is finished and now adding value.”

A very important distinction about goal-setting is that a goal is not an actual goal until it is committed to writing.

~ What A Goal Is Not

A goal, outside of the context of sports is not always a concrete thing… It could also be an experience. Don’t think of a goal a result, rather you could think of it as something venture and something gained.  A goal outside of sports is not a race against anyone or anything, nor is it a finish line… A goal is more like a choice in direction, a decision as to which stepping stone you will stand on next as you move through your life.

~ Why Are Goals So Important & What Is Their Purpose?

Many believe that the purpose for setting a goal is to get something but, that is only a result… The true purpose of a goal is to make you grow. The real value in setting a worthwhile goal is all about the person you must become to achieve that goal. If you need to develop a new skill, increase your feelings of self-worth or learn to trust another person to achieve a particular goal, then that is a part of the goals purpose and a huge benefit to you. You have grown as a person.  Having moved through the goal you are now more capable of achievement than when you began.  You are now more aware of your power to create and achieve even

grater things.

Goal-setting is an essential part of your personal growth and development. … Which is in fact the true essence of a goals power and purpose!  You have the power to choose as to what you will Be, Do, and Have.  No one else can make that choice for you.

~ Okay, Now What?

There are many different ways to structure a goal and there are many different types of goals. For example there are “smart goals”, long term goals, short term goals, health goals, career goals, etc., etc.  Many will tell you that every goal requires certain elements like a due date for example.

In this simple format there are only two main criteria we need be concerned with when creating our goal… The Time-Line and the Specifics.  The following exercise takes care of the time-line.  The specifics are where you and your imagination come in to play.  The more specific the better.  The more time you spend here, the sooner your goal will be realized.  In other words, do the work now or do the work in some distant future after having produced poor results… Do the work now.

Fun & Easy Goal-Setting Exercise:

  1. Write out a list of things that you want to have and experience in your life. Work on it some more…                 Don’t hold back even thought you have no idea how they could happen.
  2. Select a single goal from your list.
  3. Write this goal out in the present tense to create your first goal from this exercise.

(Example: I am so happy and grateful now that …. (fill in the blank)

… my company’s sales keep going up. … I am a published author … I have found my ideal partner … my wounds are healed… I am earning $100,000.00 each year.  There is no right or wrong way to establish your goal on paper, as long as it is positive, the more specific the better and stated in the present.

Tip: The part about HOW your goal is going to happen is not your work. Your work begins in the next step…

“Congratulations… Now you have your goal before you!”

The Next Step… Part Two: The Catalysts For Goal Setting Achievement

When you are ready to experience the next level thinking in the goal-setting process… Part two is where you will learn the actual processes of turning your goal into a reality and in Part three learn why you are built to set goals.

Thank you for stopping by !

Click Here to … follow me on Face-Book

Author: Dennis Lund, CPPC

The Professor of Possibilities

Entrepreneur, Author, Speaker, Trainer, & Coach

Nov 13

The Catalysts For Goal Setting Achievement

Part Two in a Three part series… A Winning Goal-Setting Formula

Part Two:

The Catalysts For Goal Setting Achievement

~ Imagination, Visualization and the Emotion of Gratitude

In part one we set the foundation. We discovered that A GOAL is a written document describing a desired outcome, stated in the present tense. We now know that a goals true purpose is to make us grow. When we talk about growth we are referring to personal growth, awareness, and empowerment. Now It’s time to put that goal into action.

~ It’s All In Your Head

Your imagination is a gift. It is the playground of the mind. It represents one of the highest capabilities of the human mind. Without the use of our imaginations and the power of thought, we could all still be living under a rock.

Use your imagination to your advantage. When you hold your goal before you, imagine that it is already yours! Visualize yourself already in possession of it. Imagine and feel the joy of having it now. Everything begins with a thought. Before you can hold it in your hand, you must first be able to see it in your mind.

If this idea sounds ridiculous to you as you are reading it… Then you are not using your imagination. You have likely bought into someone else’s idea of how thing “really work” and you are now bound by their limiting beliefs. Remember that it’s your imagination and what you do with it is your business and ultimately your reality. Give yourself permission to dream, imagine and explore just as you did when you were a kid!  Imagination and thought really is the beginning point of all achievement.


“Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” ~ Napoleon Hill

~ The Power Of Visualization

I want you to literally see yourself as already having achieved your goal. This is an art form and may take some serious effort at first. Once you have established your goal as we did in part one…

Your work now is to come into alignment with it.  One very powerful to doing that is visualization.  Here is a fun and easy exercise you can do is to create a “Vision Board.” A vision board is a collage of different images representing your goal or goals. For example if one of your goals is to travel, you could include pictures of all the destinations you want to visit.


~ Create your very own vision board today!

Gather some old magazines with photos representing your goals or you can  create your own images or download them from the internet.  Be sure to include a picture of yourself. You may want to include an image of yourself doing your goal activity or something that you enjoy. Get together with your friends or gather the family around the dinning room table to create memory along with your vision board.

~ We Are Emotional Beings

We are more accurately spiritual beings with an emotional guidance system.  Our emotions are an indicator of what we are thinking in relation to our desires. Being grateful is very high on the emotional scale and the practice of being grateful is the main catalyst that will move you closer to your goal and your goal closer to you! No other attitude than that of gratitude will ever do as much for you. Even the optimist or the positive thinker is bound to loose faith and quit in tough times. When you focus on good feeling thoughts, only good things can come to you.  Adopt an attitude of gratitude… Your life will never be the same.


“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.” ~ Eckhart Tolle

~ Exercising Your Power

Putting it all together…
When you are able to leverage your imagination and visualize your goal with an attitude of gratitude, you are in action… You are now creating a more compelling future. As you begin to move more into alignment with your goal in this manner, you will begin to draw upon two of the most powerful laws of the Universe… The law of attraction and the law of cause and effect into your favor.

It is for this very reason that your goal is written in the present tense. If your goal where stated as a future possibility, it would forever remain in the future. Having it now emotionally, holding it now, even if only in your imagination is what gives your goal it’s pulling power.

This may mean the forming of a new habit for you. I read somewhere that it takes up to 66 days to form a new habit. If you consider that we have spent a lifetime forming the ones we have now, then that is good news. A habit is simply something that you do on a consistent or repetitive basis.

Remember; You need not concern yourself with how it is going to happen. For now we are going to leave that to what I like to call “the manager.”

~ Two daily habits that will bring your goals from being a fantasy to being real…

Form the habit of gratitude: Look for things in your environment to be grateful for.
Review your goals regularly: View, visualize and speak your goals daily.



Read your goals out loud or to yourself.,  Use your vision board as an aide.,  Feel gratitude as you imagine your goals already in your possession.





With much gratitude… I Thank You!
In part three you will be introduced to some more advance thinking on this subjects…

Your Goals Plus Your Power Equal Your Results


For a FREE coaching session or Goals Review… Reach out to me on my Facebook page:


Authored by:

Dennis Lund, CPPC

The Professor of Possibilities

Entrepreneur, Author, Speaker, Trainer, & Coach


Nov 13

Your Goals Plus Your Power Equal Your Results

Part Three in a three part series … A Winning Goal-Setting Formula

The Power of the MInd

Part Three:

~~~~~~Your Goals  +

~~~~~~~~~Your Power  =’s

~~~~~~~~~~~~Your Results

In part One & Two we set the tone and foundation.  You have everything you need to set effective goals and achieve them.  Here in part three I am going to introduce you to some broader, higher thinking concepts that will support this winning goal-setting formula as well as open up a whole new world for your exploration.

Your Goals Plus Your Power Equal Your Results

~ Your Goals

Your goals are very important. Without goals you have little control over the direction of your life.  A goal and your intention coupled with the right actions is always a winning formula for success.  On the flip side, if you are not setting goals, who is responsible for your results?… Ultimately you are so take control.

Your goal is first a thought and once written it becomes a thing.  Things have energy.
The Universe we live in is governed by laws. The primary law being that everything is energy. Energy can not be destroyed, it can however take on different forms. You, I and everything else is made up of energy. Our bodies are able to maintain their cohesion or shape because of their particular state of vibration. Within this subsidiary law… The law of vibration is yet another subsidiary law called the law of attraction. Which states that That which is like attracts like.

~ Exercising your power

Your ability to choose, set a goal and then act upon that goal is completely under your control… This is your power!  This is also your responsibility.

Motivation Tip:  Taking responsibility for (knowing that you are responsible for) all of your results, past or present offers an incentive to do a better job moving forward.  It also frees you up from outside influences.

“People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don’t believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can’t find them, make them.” ~ George Bernard Shaw

You are far more powerful than you know. The fight and flight mechanism that we share with animals is still in place, however we have learned new truths and behaviors. We have the ability to further develop our mind and to better use it’s higher faculties, like our imagination, will power and persistence to achieve our goals.

You have the ability to imagine and visualize anything in your mind and experience it as if it were real. The brain can’t tell the difference from what is real and what is imagined. By leveraging your will power and your imagination you are giving your goal (which is a real thing) all of the energy and pulling power it needs to attract and then manifest its physical equivalent.

You are leveraging the law of attraction and impressing upon your subconscious mind a new image. Because your subconscious can not discern from what is real or imagined, it accepts it as fact and will therefore act upon it as if it were real. This will cause a new behavior within you which will ultimately produce a different result. In the interim, the law of attraction will bring to you more things, people, circumstances that support your goal.

~ Your Results

If you continue to think the same thoughts, you will continue to act in a similar way and you will produce similar results.  Your results are a product of your programing or paradigm.  The process by which you may reprogram your subconscious mind is through repetition.  Goal-setting is the starting point for producing a new result.  The higher faculties of the mind must be leveraged and the practice of repetition applied over an undetermined period of time to impress this new idea upon the subconscious mind before it can take hold.  The law of cause and effect is also working to bring your goal to you in the most powerful and amazing ways.  This is once again why I say our work is not to be concerned with the how our goal is coming but, rather the persistent practices of visualization and affirmation.

“The mind is motion, the body is an expression of that motion.” ~ Bob Proctor

~ New Beginnings and New Opportunities Await You

Be easy about this process and your life. There is no cause for stress or worry that you can’t get it done.  You were born to excel at this process and all of the laws of the Universe were purposely designed to support you in this process.  the only way to fail is to quit.  The choice is yours and so are the results.  Don’t allow anyone to influence your dreams, goals or reality unless you want them to.

Some Key Points…

Attitude is everything… Practice the attitude of gratitude.

Attitude is the culmination of you thoughts, feelings and actions.

The goal-setting process: Think it, feel it, do it!

The lucky ones are not the ones born with money or an advantage… They are the one’s who stick to their goals plan and actually do the work.  They are the people who are still focusing on their goals long after everyone else has quit trying.  Be courageous, bet the leading edge creator you came here to be!


For a FREE coaching session or a FREE Goals Assessment drop me an email at: info@coachdennislund.com


Authored by:

Dennis Lund, CPPC

The Professor of Possibilities

Entrepreneur, Author, Speaker, Trainer, & Coach